Sends "Message" to the screens of all online players (Event Text)
/Move CharacterName MapNumber X Y
Moves that character to the specified map and coordinates.
Can be added as a macro (shortcut text) - sooo annoying lolz
0 = Lorencia
1 = Dungeon
Level 2: 233/126
Level 3: 3/85
Bull Room: 119/46
2 = Davias
3 = Noria
4 = Lost Tower
LT1: 208/78
LT3: 86/166
LT5: 130/53
LT7: 8/85
5 = Exile
6 = Arena
7 = Atlans
8 = Tarkan
9 = Devil Square
10 = Icarus
Start: 15/13
Phoenix: 47/205
11 = Blood Castle I
Start: 15/13
End: 15/94
12 = Blood Castle II
13 = Blood Castle III
14 = Blood Castle IV
15 = Blood Castle V
16 = Blood Castle VI
/Trace CharacterName
Warp to the last-recorded coordinates of that character.
/Trans CharacterName
Alternative form of /Trace.
/SetBlock CharacterName
Set a character's ctlCode to 1 in the database if it is 0. (Character
/UnsetBlock CharacterName
If the character's ctlCode is set to 1, set it to 0.
/Disconnect CharacterName
Kick a character from the server.
/DisableChat CharacterName
Muzzles a user (so they cannot speak in text/pm/guild).
/EnableChat CharacterName
Reverses the effect of /DisableChat.
/GuildMove GuildName MapNumber X Y
Moves all members of that guild to the coordinates provided. Moves
offline members as well.
/GuildDisconnect GuildName
Kicks all members of that guild from the server.
/GuildWarStop GuildName
Suspends a war between that guild and their opposing guild.
/GuildWarStart GuildName
Resumes a suspended war if one has been stopped previously with
/GuildWarEnd GuildName